Revolutionizing Field Operations

Empower your business through advanced data analytics

Our Clients.

Our partners in success.

So what is SACS?

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SACS is a cutting-edge solution designed to revolutionize how businesses handle field operations across various industries. At SACS, we’re committed to boosting efficiency, productivity, and profitability through advanced data analytics.
Our platform is user-friendly and empowers field teams to effortlessly collect diverse data with our intuitive app. Instantly accessible in real-time, this data is transformed into insightful visualizations in the back office, driving informed decision-making and strategic insights.

SACS Workflow & Modules

Command your field operations. Orchestrate every task with precision.


Set up the tasks that need to be done. Decide what needs to be accomplished and how it should be handled.


Send the tasks to your field teams, making sure they have what they need to get the job done..


The field teams complete the tasks, such as taking photos, scanning barcodes, or following instructions.


The results come back as key metrics that show how well everything was done, helping you make informed decisions.


Image Collection

Live field-to-office fully detailed image gathering and organizing by project

Survey Data Engine

Enhanced survey builder and live field-to-office survey data collection and analysis

Incident Reporting

Instant incident reporting through application and completing full workflow

SACS Features & Technologies

Maximize Operational Efficiency.

Empower your team with tools that enhance productivity and deliver measurable results.

Advanced Monitoring & Tracking Suite

  • Dynamic Dashboard with Live Data Tracking
  • Geo-Fenced Check-In and Auto Checkout
  • Live Map Monitoring per User
  • Daily Journey Plan Creation
  • Detailed Logs for All Project Operations
  • Simple and Clear Attendance Monitoring and Report Exporting
  • Live Reporting
  • Daily Visit Location Navigation
  • Push Notifications
  • E-mail Notifications

Custom Task & Dispatch Manager

  • Project Tagging and Categorization
  • Project Creation with Defined Durations
  • Task Creation
  • Task Templates
  • Time-Restricted Tasks
  • Bulk Task Creation, Assignment, and Scheduling
  • Chat Feature with Group Members and Team Leaders

Advanced Monitoring & Tracking Suite 

  • Multilingual Platform
  • Roles and Permissions Customization
  • Customized Geo-Fenced Locations for more Accuracy
  • Data Export to Excel
  • Seamlessly integrate with other applications for data exchange
  • Generate tailored insights for informed decision-making
  • Utilize SACS functionalities through API integration

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